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Mogollon Rim Sunset

Historical Articles

There are many legends, stories, and experiences that arose over time for the pioneers and settlers living in Rim Country. Take a walk through Rim Country and read about its rich history.​ 

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Juila Randall

The Arizona Women's Heritage Trail (AWHT) began in the fall of 2005 by a group of interested historical agencies and women’s organizations. 

General George Crook

George Crook was born on September 8, 1828 near Taylorsville, Ohio.  He graduated from West Point in 1852 and was assigned....

Zane Grey Cabin after the Dude fire

It had been beastly hot, 100 degrees Fahrenheit even at 6,000 feet in elevation. Down in the desert.......

Zane Grey by Thomas Pauly

When was Zane Grey born? 

He was born on January 31, 1872,  in Zanesville, Ohio.  His name was originally Pearl Zane Gray.  He changed it 

Zane Grey

The First Zane Grey Cabin

Zane Grey first came to Rim Country in 1918.  Two things happened....

Haught CAbin

In the summer of 1897 Henry and Sarah arrived in the Arizona Territory.  They brought with them 5 children and Henry's widowed mother...

Zane Grey at work

In his writings, Zane Grey was rather straightforward.  As the reader, you normally could expect that his main character would be a man running from....

Mogollon Rim

The Mogollon Rim is approximately 200 miles long. Starting in northern Yavapai County it runs eastward ...

Betty Zane books

One winter living in a bitter cold NY apartment, fingers freezing from lack of heat, head buzzing from the noise...

Tom Horn photo

Tom Horn was born in Scotland, Missouri in 1861.  At the age of 14 he ran away from home ...

AZ State Seal

The Territory of Arizona is Made

In 1856 the first meeting to discuss the New Mexico Territory being split ..

Zane Grey Armed Services edition

When Armed Services Editions went to war.

Imagine it is World War II.  You are stationed in a combat area anxiously crouched in a foxhole....

General Crook trail sign

General Crook assumed command of the military district of Arizona early in 1871.  His experience had convinced him that well outfitted units able to move quickly...

Apache mother and child

During the 1890's and early 1900's, after confinement at the Camp Verde and San Carlos reservations, the Tonto Apaches....


Isadore Christopher was a French cartographer, army scout and explorer who first settled Christopher Creek, Arizona ....

Cattle Drives

The Houston brothers (Sam, Andrew Jackson, and William) came from California and established a ranch at Star Valley.  They brought red, roan, and white Durham cattle to this area....

Big Dry Wash memorial

In late spring of 1882 a group of Apache warriors, restless and dissatisfied with reservation life, 

Payson Dew Still Site

On January 17, 1920, the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect.  "The manufacture, sale or transportation of intoxicating liquors..."

Payson Rodeo

They called it the August Doin's and for the first 74 years, it was held in several different locations....

Deming Pioneer Park

Deming Pioneer Park, located at the corner of Main St. and McLane (the Boardman’s façade).  The small park was originally dedicated in 2004 to honor Rim Country pioneers.

Pwens Sawmill

The sons of Frank Owens eyed Pieper Meadow as a perfect place for their sawmill.  In 1951 the Owens family located their sawmill there.

Marguerite Noble

Marguerite Noble, teacher, historian, author, and Payson resident since the early 1970s, wrote nearly 450 one-minute history programs that she then read on KMOG Radio...

Payson Sign on Beelin Highway

It was in the early 1950's that a Maricopa County supervisor named Jim Hart joined forces with the regional chamber of commerce to forge a more modern road over the mountain....

Payson Ranger Station Exhibit

One of Arizona's oldest standing ranger stations is now open to the public. The ranger station dates back to the early 1900s...

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The Northern Gila County Historical Society - Our Mission:

To acquire and preserve artifacts and writings relating to the history and culture of Northern Gila County for Exhibit and Research.

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